I have been hesitant to share my interactive notebook for some time now. I have been doing this in the classroom for two years and I absolutely love it. Today I am venturing into unknown waters. I am very hesitantly showing you how my math program works with interactive notebooks.
Exponents is usually the first lesson I teach in grade eight. I find the students master the concept quickly which makes them feel very positive for the start of a new math year.
I usually begin my lesson with a large group gathering where I will show the students a "cheesy" video. I play it up sometimes dance to it and sing with it. This gets the preteens laughing and rolling their eyes...and catching their attention.
For exponents the video that I use is this one:
After the video we will do a mini large group lesson. I mean mini for time. I aim for ten minute maximum. Part of the lesson is building the interactive notebook together.
I know there are lots of foldables popping up out there in Internet land where there is already PRE-PRINTED information on the foldable. I think they look lovely...but I think they take away from some of the learning. I like the blank templates that I can photo copy on my own colour paper that I choose and the students write the information.
Here is a copy of one of my ideas for exponents:
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Interactive notebook for Exponents |
Here are some up close images of what went in the foldables:
The little yellow pocket at the bottom is holding station cards that the students collect and use at a station activity. Stations are a great way to get grade 8's up and moving. I sit at the station that requires a little more deeper thinking. Here I can evaluate the students and see what they know and don't know. I can also check their notebook at the same time to make sure they have all the notes they need from the lesson.
Before students leave for the day I give them an exit card. The exit card has one question that summarises what the learning was for that day. This way I am not sitting through endless amounts of marking that night.
One question=Beautiful.
I have compiled all the templates, reflection questions, stations and station cards all into a resource if you are interested. You can find it at the link below.
I think my next step will be to use brighter coloured paper.
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