Monday, 10 August 2015

Let the decor begin!

Classroom Decor Beginnings 

Before Pictures

Today was the second day that I have been into my classroom this summer. As you, my readers know, I have switched schools so it means setting up my classroom again.

Here are some before pictures. 

This is a picture from standing at my entrance way.

This is a picture of the doorway.

This is a picture of the front/computer area.

I will not show you everything now, as I will do the big reveal when it is all finished.  Until then, here is a little teaser of two bulletin boards that I put up along the top. These boards will stay for the year as I don't want to have to take the ladder out.

I love both of these ideas. They are not originally mine. All the credit was from Math=Love Blog. She has created some pdf printable that you can use as well.

middle school bulletin board

I modified this one and removed the quiz ones. I don't always quiz for every subject so I tried to make it more accessible to all subjects. I just need to add a title: The Learning Path! 

middle school bulletin board

Check out her original blog post here for the Truth Signs.  (Thank you! Thank you! @mathequalslove for the pdfs! )

This year I actually hope to have an actual library area. I have space for it! Woot! Woot! 
Space designated for classroom library

I need / want:

1) some comfy seats for teens (ex. bean bag chairs )
2) an area rug. I was thinking an indoor/out door because then I can hose it down if it needs to be. 
3) Small table
4) Lamp

That is a lot of moola for me to spend on my classroom. If you happen to have any of the above items kicking around your house that you would like to donate: feel free. Donations are always accepted. 

Has anyone else been in their room too? What new changes will you be making to your room this year?

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