Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Technology Challenge

Yesterday I had a teacher meeting.  I want to say hurray but sometimes they are not motivating or inspiring.

Yesterday was different.  As teachers from grades 7-12 we were examining math. Interesting enough our meeting took a turn that was not expected.  We were coming together to discuss how to make math questions more open ended.  This will challenge thinking.

Ironically the leader showed us a video on Ed Talks

Imagine my surprise...math and media! 

This has inspired me even more to continue on the path that I am following.
Making Math Real with Technology

This morning while I am getting ready for school I found another video. 

I am not from Norway but the message applied.

Today I am proud of myself for incorporating technology into each of my lessons.  Students are blogging on their sites about math they have learned today. Personal devices were used in history to search up facts about one of the historical characters. I personally enjoyed hearing the sounds of disgust when they found out how young people were when they got married. Tee hee.

 I am enjoying this.  I hope the students are enjoying it as much as I am.

Lesson of the day was truly evaluating what we put online.

We used this digital survey.  As a class we guessed which ones were illegal and or inappropriate.  The students were really responsive and curious.  They were so honest to admit that they had done some of the items that were illegal.

The best part of this lesson is I had creeped my students out prior to. the lesson.  I felt a tad bit weird doing it but I was able to use specific examples and refer to them in our conversation with out showing the class. 
Students were shocked.  They talked about how it felt to have had their TEACHER look at what they had put online.  Some were actually embarrassed.  We talked about how if I could see it......then anyone could. 

Gave me goosebumps.

Students we then viewed the following link and discussed what they could take away from it.
A deep lesson in my room on digital responsibility.

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