Monday, 25 March 2013

Linky Party

More Bloggers! 

I have been a lurker for a few weeks.  I am new to blogging and I often get so inspired by other bloggers.  I find myself reading and reading and reading all of these amazing ideas.  I can not believe how much lingo there is out there to learn.  It is a new mini language.  

I am enjoying it. 

Tonight I stumbled across another linky!  I do have a new love for linkys.
 Wait..... Do I drop the "y" and add ies?  Linkys?  Linkies?

Tonight I found one that is so inspiring.  Often I am curious to where these other blog writers are from.  Tonight I found a link to an all Canada connection.  I connected under Ontario. 

 I am so thrilled to meet other bloggers, follow their blogs and see all the inspiration. step...I need to figure out how to add the link to the image so you can just click on the image.  For now the link is above!  

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blog by province! You did a great job of uploading the image. You can resize it btw...and put it in your sidebar like I did on my homepage. It's not hard to add the link to the image. Once you have the image where you want on the image..then on your menu bar click on LINK and add the URL to open in a new tab. Hope this works for me. Feel free to email me if you want any assistance.


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