Annual Learning Plan
Alright, I made a promise to myself to blog more. In fact you can read about my passion to keep blogging here. In June, we found out we were expecting. I promised myself that I would continue my own professional growth, reflection and sharing on this blog no matter what.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Life got in the way.
Nope. I change that.
Life happened. I was exhausted with this pregnancy. At times I would come home, sit in front of the computer with my blog up ready to write and my eyes would get so heavy. My mind cloudy and all I wanted to do was rest. That is what I did. I rested. I grew a baby and became a new mommy. My little guy is just so handsome. Trust me.
The most handsome baby in the world.
No mother's bias here I swear.
Now I am back. I feel charged and ready to share my ideas and what has been happening and will happen in my classroom.
Yesterday I was asked by my admin to review my annual learning plan. I know that every school board does something similar but it may be called something different. This document reviews your professional goals, action plans, strategies and the in services, courses or professional readings you have done.
Most of the document was easy to fill out. The part that had me questioning was the professional reading. I admit I have not sat down and opened a "teacher" book in a long time and read it from front to back. That is not my PD anymore.
The biggest source of my PD reading is from Twitter.
Seriously no joke.
I am not a huge tweeter myself but I read many teachers, speakers, leaders and motivators via twitter. I have so many favourites like @AngelaMaiers who motivated me to explore genius hour. If you have not taken the time to read her website or watch her TED talk, try it out.
Today my question of reflection for myself is:
How to I keep track of my own professional growth and development?
I will ponder about it a while. I will get back to this thought.
What do you use to track your own professional development? Do you incorporate blogs that you have read that have motivated you as an educator? Do you have thoughts? I would love to hear your feedback.
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